We give full meaning to the "win-win" principle

GenTa values its partners through a reciprocal and demanding commitment

All our partners, whether they are education, training, institutions or individuals and organisations, share our philosophy of promoting talent in a spirit of openness and respect. GenTa is a unique opportunity that must be preserved for the benefit of everyone by means of transparent and rigorous procedures.

Partenaire engagement

Be a GenTa partner

GenTa builds its partnerships into a reciprocal virtuous relationship
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The future of youth

GenTa supports talents internationally and opens up new professional horizons
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Partner schools

Operational education and training
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Rental management

Ensuring competitive rental income in a secure environment
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Be a GenTa partner

GenTa builds its partnerships into a reciprocal virtuous relationship

We offer each partner unique benefits specific to their field of intervention. In return, each partner must fulfil its obligations and be committed to the long term.


Unique benefits

GenTa allows each of its partners to benefit from specific advantages in the form of financial contributions or guarantees, professional integration facilities or dedicated training.

A lasting relationship of trust

Keeping one's word is a fundamental concept at GenTa. We therefore strive to respect this concept and ensure that it is respected on a daily basis.

Reliable and safe procedures

GenTa has put in place a set of rules and procedures to effectively manage the selection of its talent, clients and partners. This multi-channel control provides reassurance to all parties involved.
Être partenaire chez GenTa
Partenaire - Accompagnement Talents
The future of youth

GenTa supports international talents and opens up new professional horizons

GenTa offers young talents, regardless of their country of origin, the opportunity to gain real international experience. The skills and motivation of these young people allow them to travel to enrich their professional careers if they take the risk of going abroad.

A link between schools and partners

Operational education and training

GenTa builds unique bridges between schools and its clients. Hence, we propose to training centres in the countries of origin to adapt their curricula to the needs of French companies so that candidates can be directly hired by the latter at the end of their training.

Partenaires - Écoles partenaires
Partenaire - Gestion locative
Rental management

Ensuring competitive rental income in a secure environment

As part of its impatriation activities, GenTa rents (and therefore becomes your tenant) any type of accommodation (flat, house or even HPA accommodation) throughout France in order to house these talents. The accommodation must meet all the criteria, particularly in terms of decency, set by the regulations.


As soon as you take over the rental, a facility manager is assigned to you and takes care of everything: payment of the rent by direct debit before the 5th of each month, fitting out the accommodation, managing the cleaning, changing the towels and household linen, cleaning up after departure, etc. You don’t have to worry about anything, we take care of everything.

GenTa Benefits
Why becoming a GenTa partner ?

Unique benefits

Entreprise Solution sécurisée

A relationship of trust and security


A long-term commitment


A win-win partnership

Benefit from GenTa's support
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