Externalisation des ressources
The ideal candidate is somewhere in the world

GenTa offers to outsource your international resources

Thanks to its international offices, GenTa offers you the option to outsource a number of your work force on an international scale. In other words, we offer you the opportunity to hire foreign talent who will work directly in their country.

Entreprise sourcing

Selections & Recruitments

GenTa seeks talent through its overseas offices
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Administrative & Legislative

GenTa checks the competence and compliance of each Talent
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Our Services for Candidates

GenTa promotes local skills and assists the HR journey of its Talents
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Our HR Cycle

GenTa supports the professional development of each of its Talents
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Selections and Recruitments

GenTa seeks talent through its overseas offices

GenTa allows French companies to directly recruit talents based and working abroad in professions where working remotely is possible (such as IT, accounting or marketing).


For this purpose, each of our foreign offices selects the Talents, checks their qualifications and guides the recruitment process. Each candidate is exclusively dedicated to their French employer.

Externalisation des ressources - Sélection et recrutement
Externalisation des ressources - Législatif et administratif
Administrative & Legislative

GenTa checks the competence and compliance of each Talent


Qualification check

With the help of our offices abroad, we systematically check the qualifications and professional experience of each Talent applying for an outsourced position. Only the CVs of Talents who have passed this check will be forwarded to the company.

Verification of Compliance

Before being hired, each Talent will be required to pass a compliance process to ensure that they are not listed on any UN, US, EU or other sanctions lists and are not subject to any Interpol notices. In addition, a World Check will be systematically carried out prior to any hiring.
Our services for our Talents

GenTa promotes local skills and assists the HR journey of each talent

Resource outsourcing is a solution to the shortage of candidates in France. It allows companies to take advantage of quality and dedicated skills. GenTa promotes resource outsourcing and highlights the qualifications and training of its partners.


Presentation of Job Vacancies

GenTa searches for several job offers for each Talent, depending on their skills. Each Talent is accompanied by a dedicated recruiter based in the source country.

Management of Administrative, Social and Fiscal Constraints

We manage locally, on behalf of the company, all the formalities linked to the hiring of the Talent (drafting of the employment contract, declarations to social security organisations, social and tax declarations, etc.). For greater ease of use, we can also offer you our international wage portage services (Employer of Record).

Provision of Office Space and Equipment

In order to enable the Talent to work in good conditions, we can provide the company with an office and material resources (computer, printer, etc.). All these applications will be processed immediately by our office in the country concerned.
Externalisation des ressources - Services pour les candidats
Externalisation des ressources - Cycle RH
Our HR cycles

GenTa supports the professional development of each of its Talents

Each time a position is opened by one of our clients, our teams directly liaise – in several countries at the same time – the Talents who have expressed their interest in being recruited in France.

Once selected by the employer, the Talent is generally hired directly by the employer. An interim period is rarely used.

As soon as the employee is hired, he or she shall immediately be subject to the labour law of the country where the job is carried out. The employee shall then benefit from all the rights and obligations applicable to employees working in the country concerned.

GenTa Benefits

Dare to outsource resources with GenTa


A wide range of high quality skills


Dedicated employees


Immediate availability


Competitive cost


One local contact

Benefit from work force outsourcing
Let's discuss your needs to find the best profile
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